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What we do, how we do it
Why choose AQADA
Plan, Do, Study, Act
Charities / Not for profit
Travel Sector Expertise
Aqada thought-centre
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Introduction to AQADA

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Our Philosophy

The way forward is a combination of evolution and revolution. Leadership is not standardisation - it comprises various factors: an art, a science and a philosophy. Successful companies are nimble, agile and swift to embrace new (sometimes - radical) ideas before the existing business disappears or evolves.  AQADA encourage these ideals.

Trust and integrity

We recognise our future success is in the hands of our present clients’. Without endorsement and recommendations we will not survive as we, purposely, have no large scale marketing mechanism to sell our abilities. Our assets are our people, their attitude, and their ability to deliver value to our Clients. Our greatest assurance to you is we cannot afford to let you down and we never forget it!

Our Methodology

AQADA engages company creativity and channels thought processes within a disciplined enterprise framework. Productivity, Effectiveness, Efficiency leading to Profitability underpins our holistic approach but it is our philosophy and style that differentiates us. Our true success is measured by the universal effect on business performance and bottom line returns.

E- business Technology has had more than an economic impact upon industry. Instant one-on-one access means Client loyalty must be constantly reinforced and relationships protected. It has also created a new social climate of skill shortage combined with a flexible and highly mobile workforce. AQADA methodology creates an interactive environment. Energising the team and stimulating the entire company to perform intensifies the programme and accelerates it into the marketplace.

Delivery – and reinforcement is essential at all stages. Without this - after the Actioning stage - the initiative can be diluted as old working practices return. This can only be overcome by the change in attitude, perspective and practices of the people within the organisation. By fostering openness in communication AQADA creates an environment of trust in the programme objectives.

AQADA guide and support our clients’ leadership in the evolutionary redesign of their organisation to achieve commercial success. Practicality and expedience underpins all successful strategies. The blend of Clear thinking strategic direction and operational knowledge from the internal team is a core ingredient to all our programmes.

Cultivating and encouraging input and adaptation from the client team engenders a sense of ownership by the people most affected by the change. Direct involvement by people inter-reacting with clients’ customers ensures the process fits strategically with existing or parallel initiatives.

Adding to your company's Value system

Our goal is to drive the value system of the company onward and upward: The Financial Value, The Value based client proposition and the Company cultural Values. We create progressive programmes designed around the client company culture. Our success is reflected in the way Key Stakeholders: Shareholders, Leaders, Employees, Partners and Customers - are involved with the change and engage with the business objectives.

Sharing the rewards – performance metrics

The structure of our financial arrangement is flexible – we can base our fee upon project, activity, assignment, support - retainer or management fees. To reinforce our commitment we are willing to derive a significant proportion of our revenues from an achievement-based programme. By establishing clear targets and financial, strategic, operational and constituency based thresholds we focus our financial relationship on performance and emphasise our common motivation and purpose. Regular review and assessment directly links the reward to successful fulfilment.