Our services
Client sectors
What we do, how we do it
Why choose AQADA
Resetting your strategy
AQADA Presentation
Service dimension
Plan, Do, Study, Act
Charities / Not for profit
Travel Sector Expertise
Aqada thought-centre
About Aqada
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Why Choose AQADA

AQADA design and build our services, to meet our clients specific needs. Embedded within our services and programmes are consistent themes and focus areas that provide a platform for success.

Service Delivery – World class service - the Primary Focus

We build your change programme, to focus on service delivery enhancement.

We provide a purpose and a cause to ensure that customers. management and staffare connected and engaged.

Service Surround Building On Firm Foundations

help you get the “service basics” right.

build on the core principles that define your service.

Customer-Centric Approach

We connect your people to your customers and ensure the customer is at the heart of the decision making process.

We focus on staff attitudes, behaviours and actions.

CRM, Customer Care and, Customer Experience Management

We establish strategies, and action plans and ensure execution.

We bring contemporary and modern methodologies for connecting and engaging with business clients and customers.

We help you improve the customer journey and customer touch points throughout your organisation.

Staff Engagement – Your People and Your Success

We get people pulling together as one team.

We ensure your team focus on your organisational goals and vision.

We help you to get the team to add value – everyday!

Values, Culture, Ethics and Style – Your DNA

We help your organisation define its values.

Values create value, and enhance service delivery to customers and clients.

CSR and
business image create the foundation for brand integrity and customer loyalty.

Go-To-Market Strategy

We help your organisation bring a structured approach to build upon the creative design process.

Webring focus, attention to detail and firm foundations.

We complete the picture!

Creative Thought

We add creativity to our structured approach.

Creativity, innovation and initiative are instilled into an organisation to increaseproductivity and commitment.

Competitive Advantage and USP

We help you differentiate your organisation from your competitors.

Business development – growing a business in the competitive marketplace

We help you team become more focused.

We help your organisation prepare for the challenges and execute the salesstrategies to ensure success.

Globalisation and World-Wide Business Strategy

We bring understanding of the international marketplace.

We bring understanding of the Chinese business environment.

We bring a level of understanding of the Indian subcontinent and marketplace.

Where we can help - Standing side by side with our clients

Each element of our service is designed to be effective as a stand-alone process or as part of a wider framework. This enables our clients to dictate the range of the programme and set the pace of the change. All are built on a consistent platform. The programme is tailored to fit the individual client culture and the people within the company.All elements are modular, creating a platform to fulfil a specific Project need, a change process, a company wide transformation or an  Interim Management task.

Scope - A comprehensive series of flexible programmes

Scope - Our Client’s needs – Rapidly changing and fast moving: Whilst our clients’ challenges and business opportunities manifest themselves in a number of situations, and the requirements of each individual client are different, at the Strategic level our clients programmes fit into 3 broad categories and we can deliver value by developing and tailoring the following programmes:


Establishment of a division or J.V. outside traditional business parameters or expertise – the development of a supplementary business or the integration of an E- business channel.


Redesign or realignment to compete in a changing environment or meet client demand – improving efficiency or effectiveness, reviewing processes, policies or practices in line with this environment and competitive climate.


Growing into New markets particularly the European or global markets - adapting strategy, establishment of a new partnership and integration of acquisitions.

Depth - Premeditated action and dynamic response

The catalyst for Business change is a customer need allied to marketplace or environment changes. Intelligence is the foresight of that need. Success lies in positioning and structuring to fulfil the need more effectively than the competition. AQADA helps our clients adapt and respond to these demands. The programmes we offer encompass the following:

Transformation: Organisation-spanning requirement

Directed at all levels of a business. Aimed at companies needing to refine or redefine their culture or adapt to the changing business environment.

Change Management: Business divisions programmes

Fulfilling a specific need. Facilitating the transformation of a company division. Improving the effectiveness of an activity or relationship. Rapid integration of acquisitions or J.V.’s to a new company culture. Development of E - Business programmes or integration processes.

Programme Management: Consultancy or interim programmes

Utilising various components to fulfil an assignment, report or education process. Aimed at a functional area, group or section that needs to develop a more client focused, or people focused strategy. May involve the review or redesign of a programme or policy.

Contacting AQADA

Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to help. You can reach us on + 44 (0) 7930 400 721 or + 44 (0) 208 549 3903 and by email at julianknott@aqada.co.uk. or janechadburn@aqada.co.uk. We are looking forward to hearing from you.