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Resetting your strategy
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Service dimension
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Your service dimension

AQADA track record

AQADA brings proven success: in the services sector  - commercial B2B / service (call) centres / retail / e-business and on-line / franchise / charity and social enterprise / local government.

 How AQADA will improve your business:

Our service helps you modernise - stay ahead of aggressive competition, meet increasingly sophisticated customer demand, outpace ever changing on-line initiatives and reshape in response to changing retail and B2B trading patterns.

  • Our focus: We transform your service dimension - the surround service - (the inter-relationship and synergies of 9 clearlydefined service elements of a business) and harmonise service delivery, clientneed fulfilment and commercial discipline as a platform for revenue growth and increasedmargins.
  • Direct impact: The service dimension connects the vital business “touch points” where your employees and services have direct contact with your customers. This one-to-one inter-connectivity parallels and underpins your product’s quality, marketing and on-line activity.

  • Sustainable profit: It constantly reinforces a positive image in your customer’s minds built on the reality of satisfaction and delivering business promises. This progressive and cumulative effect directly links to perceived value and therefore to price, margins and profit.

 Why the service dimension is essential:

The new marketplace dynamic is created by social and geo-political change, rapid on-line innovation, globalisation and economic recession. This environment requires contemporary organisations to continuously readjust, innovate and evolve.

  • USP: In an instant access, commoditised market, USP is difficult. Rigid, formulaic consultancy focussed only on efficiency fail’s to create differential or spark employeeenthusiasm. Intense marketing campaigns focused on brand and product image have a time limited effect.
  • Built for you - just for you:  Your service dimension is yourunique market “footprint”, positioning your company beyond product benefits. It makes your business resilient to forthcoming competitive challenges and hasemotional impact with your customers.

  • We raise performance companywide: Focussing on the service dimension gives change context and meaning beyond numbers. It engages your employees as “partners” as we sharpen priorities and streamline your organisation to be agile, adaptable and responsive.

How AQADA creates differential:

What your company stands for, is as important as what it does and is inextricably linked to profitability.Your service dimension establishes brand resonance, trust and reputation. We can enhance a specific area or transform your full service. The choice is yours.

  • Value and values focus: We listen, then design build andaction our programme to relate to your strengths and enhance your organisational DNA - dynamic culture, behaviours and attitudes that project a powerful message of credibility and integrity to the community.

How we add value:

Customers buying motivation is rapidly moving from brandimage to brand equity and substance. We move fast. Evolution can be gradual instable times but in today’s climate only a series of giant leaps will drive a company forward and create a springboard for growth.

  • Client connectivity: We make your business easier to deal with and better engaged with customers and employees by adding steel to your business development and CRM strategies.

  • Employee engagement: Our programmes have a “one cause” effect by raising positive energy levels build a creative vibrant environment and nurture local management initiative.

  • Multi-channel harmonisation: We make your on-line offering interactive by seamlessly interconnecting marketing, IT, distribution channels, operations andservice delivery.

ORCHESTRA Proven change and project management systems:

AQADA use proven performance management models - like ORCHESTRA and the "P" system - and improvement plans to tailor a realignment programme, specifically for your business, to help you anticipate challenges ahead of time, respond and continuously evolve into the organisation you want to be.

  • Controllability: Stays with you. Personalisation of the redesign and our collaborative methodology ensures the change is not “stand alone” it is based on your goals and objectives.

  • Simplicity and clarity: The programme is grounded in “day to day” reality. At its core is forthright “health-check”, straightforward communication and a practical “fix the basics” theme.

  • Flexibility: We place your business in market context to identify strengths and weaknesses and adapt to local circumstance to remain relevant to the achievement of your goals.