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What we do, how we do it
Why choose AQADA
Plan, Do, Study, Act
Charities / Not for profit
Travel Sector Expertise
Aqada thought-centre
About Aqada
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Plan, Do, Study, Act

Smart Technology, Smart People, Smart Thinking, Smart Style

We bring together and integrate the key factors of success.

Unlock the Potential in Your Organisation

Choosing AQADA as a business partner will enhance the performance of your organisation.

Route-Map to Success and Achievement

We will help design and outline a route-map, then work alongside your team toreach your goals.

Performance Management

Contact us today and start the journey.

The strategy can only be succesful through implementation, execution and action.

AQADA focus on attention to detail during the planning process and we follow that up with thorough execution and actuation.

We turn strategy into action.

How pioneering companies stay ahead of the competition

Profitable today and sustainable for the future

An Organisation’s Leadership team can no longer be considered omni-competent, omnipresent, omniscient or omnipotent. Businesses are, by necessity, leaner and more efficient - with managerial time, commitment and resource at a premium. Existing management teams, by necessity, focus upon current performance and overcoming present day challenges and achieving annual strategic objectives.

What makes a business sustainable is its ability to continuously evolve and  re-invent itself to ensure it remains relevant to its Clients. The leadership team may know that they need to look beyond the monthly time horizon but it is difficult to cut out some time to anticipate logical consequences of market evolution  and map out future direction when the day to day operation demands constant attention.  Partnerships and Matrix management teams are needed to supplement skills within the organisation. As a ship takes on board a pilot to help steer through uncharted waters into new territory – A pioneering business requires strategic expertise to navigate through complex transformation.

AQADA works in the background, unobtrusively and intelligently to fulfil the role of pilot. Your leadership team continue to steer the “ship” and set the overall direction, while AQADA using commercial skills, management tools and knowledge of the environment, work alongside and help successfully guide your company towards its ultimate destination.

A new way of business – and a new business culture

It is not a question of simply changing a strategy or a set of business plan objectives. Managing a universally pervasive change process and adapting the company is a formidable task. It involves changing the culture and the dynamic character of the organisation. The day to day running of the company requires its leaders to focus greater effort upon their own roles - to protect existing business at such a vulnerable stage. By partnering with AQADA, your senior team retains control and command, as the whole company is connected and engaged in a progressive change programme.

AQADA blends its own team with multifunctional teams identified from our client’s and their partners. We begin by building a foundation of trust to establish commonality of purpose. Using tried and tested AQADA business tools and methodologies we lay down a blueprint for success.

AQADA - Action's speak louder than (consultancy) words

AQADA's approach is beyond that of a traditional consultant. We do not instigatecumbersome generic programmes based upon static practices and collation of readilyavailable company information. We believe that such standard, rigid modelsforge clone Company’s, perhaps able to compete with greater efficiency butonly against similar corporations using outmoded criteria. A wrong approach meansthat once the initiative stops the organisation reverts to previous practice.Meanwhile agile, new wave competition continues, ominously, to steal marketshare.

We take the more contemporaryand enlightened approach - our reports and strategies are dynamic, workingdocuments with clear and concise guidelines and activities. The key to our success is in action and execution. The implementation of the findings and communicationprocesses are inclusive and non-dictatorial. Our Client organisation’s leaders,management, front facing and support team’s, customers and stakeholders are integrated at all stages. Programmes are built with practicality, delivery and operationalfulfilment, in mind, to ensure they are actively supported and continue to gainmomentum over time.

AQADA takes an actuation approach and seeks a different outcome. Our role is that of pilot, taking ownership, becoming an integral part of your team and establishing a framework from which to drive the organisational change to ensure it permeates the entire organisation. Our focus is on achievement - on the purpose not the process.