AQADA perform an evaluation of your organisation, which can cover a specific division / function or could encompass an end to end review. Dependant on need, this can involve a retailoffice, call centre, telesales, direct marketing or e-business / e-commerce assessment. This provides a leadership team with a clear picture of present daycapabilities and capacities within the organisation. It forms the foundation-stone upon which to build, restructure or create the environment in which to develop teams and management. This strong base enables an organisation to recognise its true strengths and identify areas for development, where a Board needs to execute a recovery or transformation strategy.
A Business Intelligence Organisation (BIO)
The 1st stage in the change process is to truly understand the operating culture and methodology of our Clients organisation. AQADA focuses on collecting facts and Business intelligence. More importantly, we harmonise this information with Bio-intelligence. By understanding organisational DNA - the company culture,vision and ethos – and harmonising this with goals and Client needs, AQADA create a strategy that is unique to your organisation. Bio-intelligence comprises 4 interlinked components:
Biogenesis: The organisations purpose. The synthesis
of separate elements or ideas into a connected whole – that defines your
organisation and differentiates it from competitors
Cultural Bio-rhythm: The recurring cycles and
processes effecting emotional and physical activity throughout the organisation.
The “heart beat and DNA” which represent the combination of organisational
values and the value provided to your Clients
Operational Intelligence: The quickness of
understanding, kinetic energy and agility within the leadership,
management and front line teams. The fast paced inter-connectivity
inherent in a successful organisation
Organisational Intelligence: Ability to vary behaviour
in response to varying situations. The flexibility and adaptability of the
organisation and teams to anticipate and respond to environmental,
marketplace or Client/ Customer driven change
Knowing what to change and –
what not to change
The sustainability and resilience of an organisation is based upon evolution and adaptability but alsoupon retaining those skills abilities, tools and capabilities which have served it well in the past. Bio Intelligence coupled with an intelligent transformation is the foundation of AQADA change programmes.
This is both the start point and a continuous interwoven theme,
throughout the transformation process.
AQADA tailor the services and strategies offered to best meet our Clients
culture and underlying ethos, Our Clients customer’s needs, corporate social
responsibility and environmental factors, only then do we adapt the present
operating methodology. This approach enables swift, effective and permanent change.
AQADA Advisory programmes and services
Straight-forward consultancy: Clear and concise analysis of an organisation’s market position, operation and structure. A comprehensive review, bringing an external viewpoint to strategic assessment. Identification of strengths and weaknesses and recommendations to ensure sustainability and resilience
Health check: Diagnostic assessment of operational methodology, service delivery, programmes, objectives, organisational structure, cultural values. Confirmation that there is holistic cohesiveness and they are fit for purpose. Evaluation against industry standards, best practice, contemporary working methodology, Trustee expectations, and senior management parameters
Identifying future strategic direction: Working with Boards and executive teams to anticipate challenges and opportunities, set priorities and place objectives in the context of the competitive environment, marketplace and Client demands. Creating a series of milestones and signposts for a change programme
Management dashboard and benchmarking: Establishing a monthly business review framework and managementmetrics - KPI’s, outcomes, efficiency and effectiveness measurements,productivity targets to inform and enhance the decision making process, by which, to focus and drive forward the organisation
Facilitating management meetings: Bespoke workshop’s, aimed at the middle management
team, to enable and equip them develop local markets through leadership
competences, creativity and management skill-sets. The output being a firm
foundation and a framework to set out an operational route map for the future
Business process re-engineering: Candid, fact based reviewusing qualitative and quantitative data – organisation-wide or focused upon a particular function / division. Resetting prioritiesafter a frank and forthright challenge of current working practices, status quo and institutionalised methodologies. Recommendations on evolution and transformation following operational analysis based on Client need
Introducing commercial standards while retainingcharitable ethos: Sharpening commercial and financial controls. Overlayingprofessional efficiencies while protecting mission, governance, charitable principles and objectives. Ensure the organisation can demonstrate effective use of funder’s monies by delivering maximum value to front line services, beneficiaries and community it serves
Funding management
Assessment of strategies, methodologies and structure for attracting corporate
funders / benefits in kind / major gifts / legacies / retail shop policies /
positioning. Reviewing strategies for dealing with corporate or commercial
partners and securing, long term, funding sources.
CSR and corporate governance: Evaluation of regulatory compliance and operational
governance. Review of organisations readiness and
ability to respond to close scrutiny and monitoring.
Principled and responsible review of current practices against social /
economic and environmental parameters