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Action - Working in-house with our Clients to actuate their strategy

Actuation: Has long been used in the industrial sector to illustrate the need to focus upon the practical purpose of a change programme. Clearly, the systems and processes inherent in the change framework are critical to the success of the transformation. The attention to detail is vital to ensure that each componentis seamlessly linked to achieve the common goals. 

At AQADA we recognise that success cannot be measured by individual components it is measured by outputs and financial KPI’s. The outcome must be that the Client organisation is better placed in the market and better able to compete for market share. It must be operating with an acceptable bottom line profit that permitsreinvestment and sustainability.

What success looks like!

Earlyon in the programme we identify with our Clients – what success looks like in their minds. We establish a set of benchmarks and KPI’s – both qualitative and quantative that allow all parties to measure the value of the transformationand offer a comparative to the starting place.

Pathways to change

Creating pathways for the process to be effective is as vital as the strategic content of the change. Our methodology gives thetransformation form, substance and direction. AQADA’s role is to conduct and harmonise the entire procedure and ensure the people within the organisation feel personally responsible for the universal success of the programme. By shaping behaviours to increase organisational capability and leadershipcapacity, we ensure the change permeates to all people withinthe company. Combining:

  • Facilitation of the transformation within the company by coaching the team

  • Guidance of the client’s team to create an environment for sustainable change

  • Counsel to the leadership of our client company’s on the transformation

  • Steering the change through hands-on action direction and positioning
  • Structuring the change process to fit the business priorities
  • Communication to ensure meaningful dialogue and free flowing channels

The key to success in any programme is people – not just the AQADA team but the people in the organisations which we serve. AQADA action therealignment programme by a combination of drive and energy from the AQADA team aligned with the steady conversion of our Clients management / leadership and servicing team members to the programmes goals and objectives. The ongoing action is the key to turning a successful consultancy project into enduring and embedded change.

AQADA Actioning services:

  • Interim Management: fill in experience gaps by supplementing / augmenting skills presently within the organisation. Allow leadershipteam to focus on transition management / implementation of new client or service. Working with leadership to create mentor programmes aimed at educationand re -skilling management

  • New initiative implementation – pilot / project / programme management: part of project board or “hands on” project management. Initialising a new service while presentmanagers focus on core “day to day” activities. Back-filling a position, so an existing member of the team can focus on a new initiative. Development of “test and learn” environment to support Research and Development

  • Kick start: bringing new energy and impetus to a faltering but worthwhile project / initiative / strategy that has lost momentum, requires a re-focus. Test the feasibility of a long-standing project that has not become main-stream, in an un-impartial way to assess its continuing relevance to the organisation strategic direction

  • Change management actuation: Roll out of a cultural change programme. Initialisation of a project or practical implementation of activities detailed above in the advisory or alignment programmes.  Swift execution and results driven operational transformation / “hands on” management. Simplifying and integrating a “joined” up change programme – interlinking several organisationa linitiatives

  • Modernisation – structure change programme: Flattening of structures, decentralising and rightsizing to make a business more accessible to customers. Preparing the operation, organisational process, systems and activities for future change. Reacting and responding to market forces to ensure that the structure meets Client / stakeholder / beneficiaries / employees needs and demands

  • Values and value programme: Adding dimensions of value across the operation. Ensuring positive brand projection / communications, PR and marketing is linked with business development / CRM and customer insight. Joining up financial value provided, with the organisation’s culture and principles and making sure that employee / management actions and working methodology reflect these values

  • C.R.M. programme: Re-design serviceprocesses using segmentation techniques. Building CRM connectivity to ensurecontinuity of information, loyalty and Client advocacy. Review of SLA’s,incentive / penalties clauses, guarantees and “umbrella” contractrelationships. Establish principles for acquisition / retention / negotiation to determine value for the Client and value to the organisation

  • Partnership /supplier management: Review programmes to establish strategy for growth into a new country or region, balancing organic growth and merger and acquisition. Re-designoperating model in consideration of best value and profitability – wholly ownedmatrix structures, franchise, on-line, alliances / collaborative ventures /JV’s and partnerships

  • Service dimension: Creating “world class” service surround which enhances the product / service programme range. Dissecting each aspect of the service process and customer contact/ touch points then assessing for economic value added and contribution to quality, customer experience and connectivity. Development of premium services to cement long term customer relationships