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Online travel interactive
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Online travel interactive

We help successful companies become more successful. We adapt, integrate and evolve their on-line services to raise their game and position them for thefuture:

  • Our focus areas: The travel, transportation and tourism sector. The development of online / e-business in the context of the evolving multi-channel marketplace and aggressivecompetition. Our service value is in increasing the value of your service.

  • Aqada brings a breadth and depth of experience: And a track record of success in the service sector and the travel industry. We have deepunderstanding of the integration of multi-channel services – online /e-business, call centre / B2B, agency partnerships’ and BPO / GSA and retailnetworks. We used this expertise to produce our on-line travel strategy development models which are adapted to your specific needs.

We supplement, complement and enhance your team’s operationalexperience, technological expertise and marketing knowledge by inputting the Aqada service dimension. We make your online service more relevant and betterconnected to your company goals and objectives as well as your customer’s needsand aspirations:

  • Service is an art, a skill, a science, an attitude and an experience: At the heart of our service are proven service industry principles, commercial foundations and simple business fundamentals - a practical, realistic and achievable set of business goals utilising available technology.

  • Aqada will positively affect your profit: There is a cost to“standing still” as competitors increase sales volume, customer numbers, marketpenetration and mass and, of course, operating margin. We believe that the cross-sectorperspectives we offer are unique. We take a fresh – Service dimension - approach and help redesign and rebuild your business model and revenue model to create direct, bottom-line, impact and long-term growth potential.

  • Control stays with you:We recognise that a single perspective approach is less effective than working in collaboration andharmony with your operational and IT teams, web design and marketing experts. In conjunction with your team, we create a series of initiatives and strategiesexclusively for your organisation. We fine tune these programmes throughout theredevelopment and realignment phase to remain relevant and in context, to maintainmomentum and leap-frog the competition.

The gap has been created by an historical convergence. The travel industry moved early and was at the forefront of the use of web based technologies. Being at the vanguard meant – through no fault - online services were originally designed with missing links, core weaknesses and limitations in marketing, SEO, social networking, web design, IT platforms and systems, portals, booking tools, web channel travel products and retail shop integration. This created the generic look and feel of commoditised services. While there have been technological improvements, today’s, travel related, online offerings remain rooted in the past. There has been no quantum leap for over 10 years:

  • The right start point and the right perspective: Best price can always be beaten, best technology can be enhanced, best marketing can be improved, but best company – service reputation - is the basis for customer loyalty and an organisation’s longevity. Our models and service strategies recognise and reflect; evolving consumerism, contemporary style, the need for new best value, adaptability for the future, the demand for value added, loyalty beyond price, connectivity and the experiential element.

  • The service dimension: Represents true differentiation - the product integrity, service proposition, service value chain and the values of the organisation are the input and the outcome is brand equity and customer loyalty. We help create an image and brand name that is sustainable and resilient to the social, economic and technological change.

  • What we are and what we are not: Our models are based on the clarity and simplicity of the servicedimension. We do not replace, nor are we advocating a move away from specialistmarketing, SEO and technological input. Far from it – these elements remain keyfactors. What defines the Aqada service – and makes it most valuable to our Clients is the service dimension webring and the manner in which we engage with your internal operating team.

There is no real product USP demonstrated in a multi-access, searchengine led, instant price comparison and online world. True differential is notlocated in the technology or the marketing – it is embedded within yourservice, your company culture, your interaction with people and your fulfilment of customer needs – every time. We blend the contemporary drivers of choice – interactive service, next gen technology and personalisation, with thetraditional elements and essence of a retail service – emotion, excitement and experience.

  • Service dimension - the “glue” that holds everything together: We evaluate refine, redefine and align the tangible and intangible elements: Product and service integrity, content and information sources, exclusivity and personalisation, reliability and trust, style and lifestyle, guarantee, usability, empathy, respect and rights, value and values, belonging and connectivity, fulfilment and entitlement.

  • Connectivity andengagement: We recognise that driver is not price, while it is a critical factor. Thedriver is value, but not just of the trip or holiday. Our design replicates,the anticipation, the journey and the destination - the value of the event, thetravelogue, the reminiscence, the story, the lifestyle identification. We create a clear and strong vision in your Customers’ mind, combining fulfilment,personal relevance and brand identity.

  • Synthesis of people needs- starting with customer: Customers,Clients, partners, suppliers and buyer’s demands and motivations are evolving.They are becoming far more sophisticated. However, Customer-side information is limited, complicated andinaccessible in terms of awareness, trustworthiness, attraction anddifferentiation. Website magnetism is less influenced by brand image andmore attuned to brand equity and substance. Trust is experienced based supported by intimate community influence and advocacy. The sentiment is – “you knowwhere to go - go to where you know”.

  • Immediacy and intimacy - social network and emotional connection: The mobile apps / tablet / laptop are not simply game changingcommunication devices. They represent a ground breaking transformation of thebuying behaviour and accessibility and lifestyle. In Aqada, online change programmes Social media is integrated andembedded as a central element of your service. Mass personalisation – “Built for you - just for you” is at the heart of the service offering based on intangible feeling as much as on the tangiblereality of product.

  • Value and values –true differentiation: In the service industry - your online only works effectively if your offlinesupport service works effectively. The service dimension defines your culture andenhances your organisational DNA – the dynamic culture, behaviours andattitudes, vibrancy and resonance that project a powerful message of credibility and integrity to Customers. We help you establish what you standfor as your unique USP, your distinct market “footprint” and your individual“fingerprint” as you touch your customers’ lives.

The strategies are not simply aimed at selling more in a given timeperiod. They are designed to create and expand the market space and marketplace, create selling opportunities, permanently fix your company’s value in your Customers’ mind. Our redesign is built on common values, positioned to draw in people and secure long term loyalty and lock-ability.

  • Being different –logically and with purpose: Our focus and drive is what your travel on-line presencewill be and must be, rather than the constraints and restrictions of what it was. Aqada’s design perspective, ourinsight and our attention to detail combines to align all aspects of yourservice offering, increasing efficiency and effectiveness throughout theservice side your organisation.

  • A health check andhealthy challenge: A key impact of our external perspective emanates from our ability to step back and review the situation objectively in the context of the market,your customers and local circumstance. We challenge the assumptions of the past – in a positive manner - engaging your employees and recognising the objectives and goals of the Board.

  • Action creates positiveenergy: The activity and dynamic movement of the review energises the business andprogresses company initiative and creativity. The inclusion of your team andtheir innovative ideas ensures that there is an “esprit de corps” and a feeling of common cause connectivity throughout the transformation.

  • Symbiotic revenue generation: The strategy and our models encompass a review of revenue generation opportunities, SEO, the context and cost of delivery and customer fulfilment. We review the financial disciplines and cost / benefits emerging from your suppliers and partner side / Client, customer and community side strategies relating to your online channels.

  • Integration and amalgamation: We combine people, social,IT, service and experiential, viewpoints to create a platform for success. By taking a “simplicity of design” approach we interconnect the elements of socialmedia / travel / offers / information and crowd sourcing.

  • Paradigm shift: Booking tools, portalsand switches and search engines will evolve into judgement engines. Theascetics, voice recognition and touch screen access of mobile technology is transferring and converging which in turn is adapting the use of laptop ,desktop, and TV technology. We help make your online service future-proof, easy to understand interactive, work on a number of service levels and accesschannels and ensure it is built around travel and social media connectivity.

Next steps – future developments:

What an online travel interactivestrategy combines:

§ Integration: The alignment of on-line elements and website design

§ Hierarchy of needs: Social network convergence and interactive

§ Service differential:

How it will change the way people book travel:

§ Service dimension: Values and value and the interactive relationship of content and service

How it will increase margin and the speed of return:

§ Symbiotic revenue generation: Partner development